Size: 100g
Ethos élan vital is the most advanced designer health supplement on the market and contains 99.9% pure Ignotine. This is the only compound which has been proved scientifically to actually rejuvenate human cells. Among its many amazing health properties, it goes to work as soon as you start taking it making your old body cells younger again!
Ignotine is a natural body product consisting of the amino acids beta-alanine and L-histidine chemically bound to each other and is known scientifically as N-beta-alanyl-histidine. Nerve cells (neurons) and muscle cells (myocytes) contain high levels of Ignotine. Ignotine is NOT a drug, vitamin or mineral and it does not react with any drugs. You are born with high levels of Ignotine in your body but unfortunately it decreases with age. The good news is that you can now replenish your supplies of Ignotine naturally with a daily supplementation of Ethos élan vital which is the very purest form of Ignotine available.
Ignotine is the most effective anti-carbonylation agent yet discovered. (Carbonylation is a pathological step in the age-related degradation of the body’s proteins.) Ignotine helps to prevent skin collagen cross-linking which leads to loss of elasticity, wrinkles, macro-molecular disorganisation, and loss of extra cellular matrix.
Ignotine is a Super Antioxidant that quenches even the most destructive free radicals: the hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals, superoxide, and singlet oxygen. Ignotine helps to chelate ionic metals (flush toxins from the body).
It also acts as a regulator of zinc and copper concentrations in nerve cells, helping to prevent over stimulation by these neuroactive minerals. What is known about the biological role of Ignotine in the body substantiates all of the above and other studies have indicated further benefits.
When taken as a natural health supplement Ethos élan vital protects and extends the functional life of the body’s key building blocks – cells, proteins, DNA and lipids.
Long-lived cells such as nerve cells, called neurons, and muscle cells, called myocytes, naturally contain high levels of Ignotine and these muscle levels of Ignotine correlate exactly with maximum life spans.
Ethos élan vital is 100% safe and 100% hypoallergenic – it is naturally occurring in many foods and in the body itself.
Fred Cleveland –
Use this in conjunction with Bright eye’s drops, I found it very beneficial.
Fred Cleveland –
Mark Pope –
Anyone interested in good health and anti-ageing should be taking Carnosine. I’m so glad to still have healthy eyes and good health. I put this down to the fact that I take Carnosine Powder every day. Awesome product and Awesome service – ALWAYS!
Mark Pope –
Brian F –
I have kept very fit and well throughout my whole life. But in April this year, something destroyed my life!! I started to feel severe cramping in my left leg’s calf muscle – it was so serious and debilitating that I sought medical help and was sent to the Freeman Hospital to see a Consultant Vascular Surgeon. I was sent for an Ultra Sound examination and later a CT scan.
The result showed that the prognosis was very serious and depressing, in that I was given two options, take their tablets to “water down” my blood, so it could get through a small aperture in my femoral artery, or face “amputation”.
Naturally, I chose the Tablets, but this only made my leg worse – to the extent that I was only able to manage to walk about 50 yards – I began to fall over and became more and more depressed. With one of my falls, I fell into the main road, narrowly missing the front wheels of a bus. That was It – NO more I cried!!
As I have been a regular customer for many years with Life Long Products, I spoke with Hilary and asked her if she had anything I could use to help that may be available on one of her “shelves”?
“Angels” were smiling on me that day – perhaps in the form of Hilary? She told me about the Ethozyme II Capsules and how to take them, she also suggested the Endymion Carnosine Powder for healing the damage already caused. But as it was such an important choice, Hilary sent all the information on the products first and suggested that I speak to my family before I came to any decision.
We all agreed that I had to try the Capsules and Powder – or lose my left leg. I had also been advised after a further visit to the Vascular Surgeon that my right leg was also affected and beyond help, so I could be facing a double amputation.
I ordered the capsules and the powder and the next day they were delivered at lunch time. I eagerly tore open the package and immediately took four capsules and that evening I took another four. The next day (Thursday) I took 4 capsules four times that day, as Hilary had advised. Then on the Friday – my “Red Letter” Day – I had taken four Capsules in the morning and four mid-day and afterwards I was sat in my conservatory reading my book and then it happened – the miracle I had been praying fervently for – I felt a massive “Whoosh” feeling in my left leg. At first it frightened me, but I got over it and during the rest of the day, I had my other two lots of 4 capsules. I went to bed that night feeling quite strange but not unwell and I slept very well.
I woke on Saturday morning – my brain seemed to be bright and alert and I walked down the stairs without any pain – even to be able to walk was a miracle in itself. I cried with relief and I spoke with my family and told them that I could walk again – of course we were all a bit cautious – but that day was a dream. Sunday I had to try out my “new leg” and I walked FOUR miles without any problems.
A week or so later I had to go back to the hospital for CT Scan results – I spoke with the consultant and he said that the scan showed more problems than expected in both legs and that the only option now was to amputate BOTH legs! It was then I explained that I’d been using Ethozymes II and the Endymion Carnosine Powder, which helps to mend damaged artery walls.
The consultant was quite taken aback and we chatted about the effect that the capsules have had on me, he then promised to research the product and if it is found to have good effect he would be taking its result further, he then discharged me from the hospital.
ME NOW: I have been walking in the lake district and last week walked TWENTY-FIVE miles – I walk four to six miles on a daily basis – I have NO problem with my legs, which are now like my ”Old Legs” – my heart is beating strong and better – I feel more awake – more alert and much happier. I wake up in the morning after a good night’s sleep and feel happy to get up. I don’t sit around, I am back at the Gym and next week I am going back to Pilates.
ME: Well, I am just ME as I was and want to be in the future – I have young Grandchildren I want to see grow up.
I am nearing eighty but feel many years younger now – long may it last?
Thank you to the “Health Clinic” of “Ethos” and Hilary, my dearest friend who quite literally, saved my life and as a devoted Christian; I thank God for answering my prayers.
Brian F –