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Ethos Elan Vital

Size: 100g



Ethos élan vital is the most advanced designer health supplement on the market and contains 99.9% pure Ignotine. This is the only compound which has been proved scientifically to actually rejuvenate human cells. Among its many amazing health properties, it goes to work as soon as you start taking it making your old body cells younger again!

Ignotine is a natural body product consisting of the amino acids beta-alanine and L-histidine chemically bound to each other and is known scientifically as N-beta-alanyl-histidine. Nerve cells (neurons) and muscle cells (myocytes) contain high levels of Ignotine. Ignotine is NOT a drug, vitamin or mineral and it does not react with any drugs. You are born with high levels of Ignotine in your body but unfortunately it decreases with age. The good news is that you can now replenish your supplies of Ignotine naturally with a daily supplementation of Ethos élan vital which is the very purest form of Ignotine available.

Ignotine is the most effective anti-carbonylation agent yet discovered. (Carbonylation is a pathological step in the age-related degradation of the body’s proteins.) Ignotine helps to prevent skin collagen cross-linking which leads to loss of elasticity, wrinkles, macro-molecular disorganisation, and loss of extra cellular matrix.

Ignotine is a Super Antioxidant that quenches even the most destructive free radicals: the hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals, superoxide, and singlet oxygen. Ignotine helps to chelate ionic metals (flush toxins from the body).

It also acts as a regulator of zinc and copper concentrations in nerve cells, helping to prevent over stimulation by these neuroactive minerals. What is known about the biological role of Ignotine in the body substantiates all of the above and other studies have indicated further benefits.

When taken as a natural health supplement Ethos élan vital protects and extends the functional life of the body’s key building blocks – cells, proteins, DNA and lipids.

Long-lived cells such as nerve cells, called neurons, and muscle cells, called myocytes, naturally contain high levels of Ignotine and these muscle levels of Ignotine correlate exactly with maximum life spans.

Ethos élan vital is 100% safe and 100% hypoallergenic – it is naturally occurring in many foods and in the body itself.

$123.05 $169.52

Ethos Elan Vital Serving Suggestion – For maximum benefits we recommend the following daily intake according to personal body weight:

40kg to 70kg = 1g / 2g per day
70kg to 100kg = 2g / 3g per day
100kg to 150kg = 3g / 4g per day
150kg and over = 4g / 5g per day.

1/2 a gram = 1 packed, level 1ml measuring spoon (inside tub).

Dissolve the recommend daily intake of Carnosine Powder, as stated above, in a litre glass bottle of mineral water or fresh, natural fruit juice. Drink from the bottle regularly throughout the day so that the final drop is drunk prior to sleeping.

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